Do less exercise, get better results faster

“Exercise should be Brief, Intense and Infrequent”     

— Arthur Jones, Founder of MedX

MedX Exercise Protocols are based on High Intensity Exercise (HIE) first developed by fitness pioneer Arthur Jones, inventor of High Intensity Training and founder of both Nautilus and MedX. The protocols include a warm up/endurance air bike session followed by a full body strength workout. In less than 30 minutes you can complete a MedX HIE. exercise session. By completing our 30 min HIE session once to twice a week you will see measurable results and achieve your fitness goals.

A science based workout that produces measurable results

Numerous scientific studies have shown that HIE. is proven to be most efficient and effective type of strength training. HIE. methodology utilizes progressive overload experienced in intense sessions. MedX Strength training repetitions are performed to point of momentary exhaustion. As you progress in your strength-building program MedX actively calculates your new strength targets and helps you reach them.

A complete workout in just 30 minutes

Since MedX HIE Fitness exercise protocols are intense, they are also necessarily brief. In less than 30 minutes you can complete a MedX full body endurance and strength session. In this brief workout, you can accomplish what takes 1.5 to 2 hours in a conventional workout. It’s efficient not only for your muscles, but also your schedule.

Workout only once to twice a week – and take
the guesswork out of your optimal recovery time

Recovery plays a crucial part in the muscle building process. The body needs time to rebuild the muscle tissue it has broken down during a workout, and replace it with even stronger muscle fibres. MedX evidence-based frequency protocols determine that our clients should engage in one to two HIE. sessions a week, depending on the individual and their progress. MedX takes the guesswork out of your recovery time so you can focus on your next work out. 

Book your free assessment now.