The Three Pillars of the MedX System

MedX System

We enable our clients to meet their fitness and health goals by combining personalized nutrition, high intensity exercise, rest and recovery, and comprehensive assessments. Our science based and technology enabled program produces quantifiable results.

Personalized Nutrition


Lose fat while maintaining healthy muscle mass.

Put our science-based solution to work for your body. MedX Fit Tech gives you the tools and knowledge you need to stay on track to meet your daily nutritional needs.

High Intensity Exercise

Our once to twice per week 30 minute full-body High Intensity Exercise (HIE) circuit is guaranteed to produce results.

Do less exercise, get better results faster. Our science-based solution is built on the principle that more exercise does not equal better results. High Intensity Exercise – brief, intense and infrequent – does. Your personally formulated workout plan will accelerate your progress in achieving your fitness goals.

Comprehensive Assessments

See the numbers, stay motivated!

Track your progress with continuous, in depth measurement and assessment. Seeing how far you’ve come inspires even stronger commitment. MedX’s assessment protocols measure and analyze your progress so you can optimize your fitness.

The MedX App

The Three Pillars of the MedX System are brought together for you in the MedX App

Let the MedX App plan, track and coach you through your fitness journey. Take the guess work out, let our science based and technology enabled system work for you.

Book your free assessment now.